Hi all and welcome back to my blog where I am creating an SEO package for Umbraco.
This week I was planning on releasing an alpha version of my package so that people could try it out already, but I noticed that something was still missing. And because that functionality also needed some database changes, I wanted to do it before the release to work around any migrations I would have to write otherwise. So, let's talk about this feature!
New Interface
I've updated the interface of the packages a bit. As you might know, I had this interface before on the document type content app for the meta fields:
I knew that I would have multiple configurations on document type level and I didn't want to put them all in a different content app as that would just make all of it seem out of place in my opinion. So what I wanted was basically a content app in a content app. And this is what I have right now:
Basically, I now create the content app in the common project and each package is able to add their so-called "Displays". They are basically content apps, but I wanted a different name to not confuse people with the normal content app functionality. The change that I needed to do with the database is the "Enable SEO Settings". Before this, it was something that was specific to the meta fields package, but now it can be used by any package.
The users will now be able to switch between the different tabs to set their settings and I can have full control over what is shown in that view. I still have to finish this system up a bit and also add the meta fields settings in there as well as do the same for the node. But I think the first alpha version should then be ready to go!
And that is all for this week. Short and sweet. Have a great week everyone!